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The books you see under this message are upcoming books that dxsire is still writing, but they will be out soon!

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Would you kill someone for a girl at your school?

Niccolò Ricci would. Maybe he did? 

A small town in Minnesota held one of the biggest Mafia gangs ever. Grand Marais. Niccolo Ricci never wanted the family business but he was the heir after his father died and he didn't want to disappoint him. 

Niccolo is known as the class clown at school, but at home, he manages a huge Mafia business. Supporting his Mom and little sister. 

Yua Mikami lives in a traditional Japanese family. She's quiet and uses reading as a pastime. But she's real strong, nothing could hurt her. She took her brother's Kendo class when she was younger so she knew how to kick ass. It was tradition to learn martial arts in the Mikami family. 

Though she does have a weakness. As does everyone else.

Her brother, Yuki, died when she was only 11. Yuki drowned in the ocean while he was drunk with his friends. Some say he was pulled down, others say he was just careless. She still practices Kendo with her brother's sword.

Obviously, like every cliche, they get a project together and a dangerous spark starts from there.


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